Mrs.Sujitha Peter Kennedy

Highly remarkably and innovative professional with 27 years of experience in overall operation management and process improvement. Developing new efficiency strategies and quality control process improvement plans, resulting in rapid growth and business profitability.

The proven track record in improving organizational operation through the development and implementation of strategies that foster operating synergies and facilitates lasting & positive change. Strong financial expertise in analysis, budgeting and developing cost reduction initiatives.

Developed, communicated, and administered clear policies to streamline operations and cut all waste. Continual communication with all level executives regarding operations, productivity, and performance gains. Demonstrated knowledge of Accreditation Programs like ISO, NABH, JCI & Clinical Audits; pivotal in ensuring statutory compliances at all levels, closing non-compliances, and leading the Hospital for successful NABH & JCI Accreditations. My years of experience with various healthcare industries gave me a robust background in how to manage teams, operational issues, and hospital units to maximize outputs and meet organization goals.